Reflection Article: Check your Battery
I hope you are well and staying safe!
May is mental health month, and it just so happens to be a time of crisis for the world. Dealing with the uncertainty of it all can leave us stressed and purposeless. Many of us are seeing the challenges of dwindled income, loss of structure, and homeschooling. More than ever, it is essential to check your internal battery. Are you running low? Is it time to recharge? See below for some tips that I have found that help me practice self-care and mental health during these uncertain times
A few tips to help you practice mental health during these uncertain times:
Talk it out: Do not dismiss or minimize your fears or frustrations. Share your feelings with someone whom you can trust and feel comfortable. Although we are asked to practice social distancing, it does not mean we shouldn't connect. Utilize platforms such as zoom or facetime for some connection. Communication is KEY!
Incorporate ME time It’s essential to spend some good time with yourself during this quarantine season. Explore self-care practices such as meditation, repeating affirmations, journaling, or deep breathing. Self-care doesn’t have to be labor-intensive. Taking a walk or a long bath may be all you need to get in tuned with yourself. Use this time to take in more inspiration. You may find this time to yourself to
be the catalyst behind your next discovery, idea, or adventure.

Remain Active Continue to make plans; however, extend grace to yourself and others. With little warning, COVID-19 has redefined life as we know it. As we adapt to our “new normal,” allow yourself time to pivot. Develop or learn a new skill. Cook a meal. Plant some flowers or vegetables. Collect trash in your neighborhood. Walk or bike somewhere (instead of driving). Pick up that halfway-read book that’s sitting on the nightstand. Create some positive changes that you can incorporate into your new normal.
Know your limits
Be judicious about the news you take in. News stories vary and often times are decorated with inaccuracies for the dramatic effect. Protect your peace. Have a screen time limit and know when to walk away. Seek content that will stimulate your mind, simplify your life, and inspire you. As much as possible, you need to engage in activities that keep you both physically and mentally healthy.
Do your part We can all be heroes and sheroes by keeping ourselves and other members at home safe. Clean your hands often, and avoid touching the face. Go out only for essential duties and practice social distancing. The best way we can decrease the spread of this invisible virus is by minimizing our number of close contacts.
Stay safe and take care of yourself and each other!